I will be working on the profiling of epibiotic and endosymbiotic bacteria of a particular sponge. I would like to ask if Seawater Complete Agar/Marine agar will do or should I go for enrichment media (with sponge tissues)? Thank you.
Thank you, Karthick P. I think marine agar might be great for the epibiotic bacteria. For the endosymbiotic bacteria, should I consider enrichment culture with sterile sponge tissues because they might be nutrient-specific from the metabolites produced by the sponge?
Certainly not marine agar can use for both epi and endosymbiotic bacteria. For metabolites extraction different media can use that time you can optimize enrichment media also for better results.
For endendosymbiotic fungii n marine sponge a 1% sponge extract on an agar supplemented with 3% salt salt will do, for brackish you have to compute for the salinity of the collection site and add the corresponding tablesalt. For epilphytic you may dispense with the sponge extract but you may add antibiotic to control bacterial growth.
i support karthick answer, media alone enough because when i growed an lichen associated bacteria i did not use lichen extract, but bacteria grown happily in nutrient rich media under optimized conditions.
There are different protocol for epi and endosymbiotic bacterial Isolation. Once Isolation of epizoic is over, you have wash the sponge surface with series of dilution with an range of 70-100% ethanol will kill the surface bacteria. Thereafter you can mince the sponge for Isolation of endosymbionts.