Life IS - it is about connecting to a "sea of consciousness" inside which enables us to connect to the "Universal sea of consciousness" in which we are embedded. Life is like a wave where everything arrises out of this sea and then submerges back into it again - we can "name" those experiences and/or we can "judge" and "qualify them as good/bad etc. However that affects us but not the "sea". It has its own conscious which can be described as ever new bliss.
You have asked a very interesting question. I like it very much, and I will try to give you my own definition.
Life is a condition on earth, sometimes you pass through painful moments and through happy moments, so life is not happiness, only you live happy moments. It is a mix of happiness and pain. You have to know the best way to live your life, but always being a responsible, hardworking, honest, sensible and respectful person.
Very fruitful and meaningful discussion many thanks bringing it to this here dear Md Zafar Alam Bhuiyan , very much appreciate. My brief reply would be of course mix happiness and some pain from time to time. hardship follows happiness and vice versa. It’s a kind of cycle. The more important think is greatfullness. If you greatfull to Allah (God) in any circumstances this would bring happiness even if you are in difficult times.
Thank you dear friend Emre Pakdemirli . I appreciate your inspirations here. Its a great recognition for a researcher you do always. Your vivid answer is timely , valued and a great significantly addition here.
Life is a drama, every one of us are actors here and life is too short. We do not know, how we have come and do not know when we go away. In between this period, all of us should spend the life happily without creating or getting troubles and no tensions. This should and must be the philosophy of life.
فلسفة الحياة تشتمل على وجود السعادة والحزن والهناء والشقاء والجميل والرديء. وفي تلك المتضادات حكمة وعلل فلو تخيلنا أن حياتنا قائمة على طرف أو محور واحد دون تضاد فكيف تكون؟
Life IS - it is about connecting to a "sea of consciousness" inside which enables us to connect to the "Universal sea of consciousness" in which we are embedded. Life is like a wave where everything arrises out of this sea and then submerges back into it again - we can "name" those experiences and/or we can "judge" and "qualify them as good/bad etc. However that affects us but not the "sea". It has its own conscious which can be described as ever new bliss.
Very very good question Dr. Zafar. I liked it. Life without spirituality and philosophy is meaning less and somewhat painful. Although I deal with fish disease but from a couple of years I become more philosophic. Can you believe a single book had changed my entire life philosophy? i.e. is "the prophet' by Khalil Zibran.
Very appreciable inspiration dear sir. Yes, I have heard about this book. Of course I will collect this book and read . Sir, pls be side by me and keep me always in your prayers. I will do so too. Its lovely! Regards
Happiness is the general satisfaction of life and satisfaction of desires, and the ability to achieve the goals desired to achieve, and to reach the aspirations that the individual seeks, in addition to the ability to employ the capabilities and preparations to reach the stage of complacency and others, a sense of mood and mental state.
With our philosophy in life, we will be able to adapt to the changes, adapt to the different conditions of life, and who live without philosophy or vision, will not be able to understand the life and live positively, and will be subject to spontaneous and unconscious emotions.
I think life can be define as the conscious awareness of uncertainties of event and Probabilities or chances of either distortion or restoration in Internal state and external Environments . which cause the pleasure and happiness . happiness is the satisfaction from pleasure of having purposeful existence.
I think it’s mixed match. Life is how you make it. Each and everyone has his or her own lens for interpretation. Happiness is a state when one is content and glad about an event or issue..
1. Philosophy of human life is a journey on nonlinear track with Jerks, Turns, and speed breakers along with defined boundaries and milestones.
2. Humans take birth shall die on another day and nothing shall belongs to person except karma.
3. Diversity propagates human life with respect to Gender, Culture, Bio, Religious for efficient human inertia during life span.
4. Human body is mortal and soul is immortal via existing beliefs of society.
5. Transformation is an inherent rule and (a) Privacy (b) Dignity (c) Solidarity (d) Tolerance (e) Liberty invest inherent protection of human life and performance.
Thank you dear sir for your kind and valued contribution. I am delighted getting you response always. Definitely its echoing in my heart ''Philosophy of human life is a journey on nonlinear track with Jerks, Turns, and speed breakers along with defined boundaries and milestones. '' and ''Humans take birth shall die on another day and nothing shall belongs to person except karma.''
My life philosophy; to act in consultation with my conscience. Of course, without forgetting the future responsibility of everything that has been done.
I think that in the way of all, we have pain and happiness together.
People must experience the experience of pain and sadness in order to feel the taste of success and happiness ... and satisfaction is the most important thing in life to live happily.
الحياة صراعات متداخلة مع بعضها البعض ومسالة الحصول ع السعادة مسألة نسبية تتمثل في شخصية الفرد وقناعاته ولابد ان نعيش التباين في الحياة بين السعادة والحزن كلاهما يتعاقب مع الاخر كما يتعاقب الليل مع النهار في اليوم الواحد
Life is full of experiences that make you pass and feel pain, joy, sadness, satisfaction, success and failure. Therefore, achieving happiness comes from achieving your goals in life despite all the experiences you have experienced.
A beautiful sentence about describing life I have read is:
((Life is like a PIANO, white keys for happiness and black keys for sadness, and when you go through black and white keys, you will listen the MUSIC OF LIFE...))
"Life is like a PIANO, white keys for happiness and black keys for sadness, and when you go through black and white keys, you will hear the MUSIC OF LIFE..."
Life is a journey. There will be so many ups and downs in life. Every one has to touch at one time or other these things. Life will not be smooth or ideal. In reality, each one has to make smooth covering all the difficulties and lead.
In my opinion, life is full of happiness and pain. they are together. the important thing is over view. sometimes, i think its mistakes are a lot, but by changing my view, again I can enjoy and be thankful.
Definitely life is full of happiness and pain thats why life is beautiful. The sky is beautiful when its partially cloudy. We need days and nights both.....
Alive between two breath is a life. Depends on perception of present situation is a pain or happiness. Perception depends on prior karmic account and its fruits. This is one part. Second part I will explain in future.
Philosophy of life is for our rational approach .With on this arrival on this earth ,we have come with the specific end for our life for which for our action our head ,mind, & brain become a successful line for us provided we may not deviate from our rational thinking .
It is in this line some times back I have expressed my similar views on Philosophy the way of Life which I submit herewith for your kind perusal
Philosophy of life is the art and law of life and it teaches us what to do in all cases, and, like good marksmen, to hit the white at any distance. Material knowledge and possessions do not always bestow happiness and tranquility. Seldom do they inspire personal integrity. A realization of spiritual truths brings to man contentment and fulfillment. Our aim should be to develop a philosophy of life that will assist in the overcoming of personal difficulties and create a compassionate attitude towards others. To accomplish this aim discipline of the inner self is required. Thoughts and feelings need to be of the highest order. The rewards for the student of philosophy are many, such as inner calm, peaceful coexistence, physical well being, hapiness and prosp
Life is a journey. In this journey many good and bad incidents takes place. We should positively think that good incidents are for our moral boost and bad incidents are to make us learn a lesson of life.
Life is an opposite pair of happiness sadness death and a life of laughing and crying and we must believe that God created us in it and chose the best and the right for us
Md Zafar - Life is a wonder based on a balance of joy, pain, grief and sorrow. Happiness is the highest aim of moral thought and conduct, and the virtues are the requisite skills and dispositions needed to attain it. A meaningful life aims not so much at day-to-day contentment as fulfillment. We may be leading a meaningful life and yet, really rather often, be in a bad mood (just as we may be having frequent surface fun while living, for the most part, meaninglessly). However, a meaningful life is bound up with the long-term good and sound relationships, interests and commitments build up cumulatively.
Life is a mix match journey with highs and lows, joys and sorrows. One has to pass through experiences which enrich our life.Nothing is ideal in this world - we have to optimize things to best of our ability.
The idea about life depends on the way we look at it. If we take it hard, it would be hard. If we take it simple, that would be simple. Life is not 100% what we want. We do not have control on others and many events in our lives. But we can use the opportunities which are offered by life to grow and be a better person.
Life is a path of travel. In early days of life, everything is happy filled with joy and no body questions us. In middle age, we are responsible for children education and welfare of wife and children. At the older age energy decreases and try to have a peaceful life. In this path, joy, responsibility and sorrow will be there.