The Canada balsam we're using consistently starts "crystallizing" after a few months, completely obscuring the smaller detailed of the specimens on the slides. The specimens have been cleared either by KOH followed by acetic acid, or through DNA extraction. In both cases, the specimens (insect exoskeletons) are then placed in 95% ethanol, absolute ethanol, and then oil of cloves before being placed in the balsam.
Without fail, 3–5 moths after mounting, something in the balsam starts congealing and crystallizing, often looking like small water drops on the underside of the cover glass, and then just a jumble of small crystal-like things take over the balsam until the specimen is entirely obscured. We've tried around half a dozen different brands (Chinese or Indian, can't get hold of other brands here as far as we can tell), and it makes no difference. This happens uniformly throughout the preparation, and happens even if we have no specimens on the slide, so it seems to be independent of the specimen preparation method.
Attached is a photo of what it looks like.
Anyone have any suggestions for what we're doing wrong? And what we can do to overcome this problem?