10 October 2017 9 398 Report

The problem is that I am trying to clone 20bp sgRNA target sequence for CRISPR CAS9 into an Agrobacterium binary vector pHun4c12 which has a size of 13.5 kb which is large enough. The vector has around 1.2 kb Spec sequence which is removed by BsaI to clone our sequence in. The problem is that my bacteria do not grow at all. The same vector I am using for golden gate cloning to create tetra mutants. Very rarely I get one or two colonies, but they contain undigested vector.

The protocols that I am following is

For sgRNA (20 bp cloning)

1. Mix 10ul of 100uM of each oligo.

2. Heat at 99C

3. Slowly cool them (tried different strategies, put them at Room temperature from 12 to 50 mins, Used PCR with 0.01C/S, Used hot water at beaker)

4. Then mixed the vector (3ul gel purified), The above oligos mix(9ul), T4 buffer (2ul), T4 ligase (2ul), dd water (4ul). Incubate the mix at RT from 2 to 6 hours even more.

5. Transfer 3 to 10 ul to lab made chemically competent cells. Next day there is no growth while the control has.

Further I tried Phosphorylating the oligos but that too did not work..

I am wondering if what the problem is?? Am I making some mistake, or my vector is too large for chemically competent cells or what??. Need suggestions. Thanks

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