Literature helps to locate and position your research. It further helps to find the existing gap in the knowledge which your research could fill in. Without a good literature survey, researcher will not be able to identify the gap and hence, there is no point doing a research without having to fill in the gap in the knowledge.
The need for extensive literature review in research cannot be overemphasized. What we are studying is likely to be an extension of an earlier work. No one is operating in complete isolation of others. Therefore the more review of relevant literature we do, the better we can do our research to supplement what has been done before.
literature review will help you to expand knowledge regarding the variables in your study and more variables which may be related to your study. It helps in generation of hypotheses also. without proper knowledge about the variables in your study your research may be a mess hence literature review is mandatory
"A literature review in any field is essential as it offers a comprehensive overview and recapitulation on the given scholarship from past to present, giving the reader a sense of focus as to which direction your new research is headed"
The University of North Carolina: The Writing Center []
I find the answers right. It seems to me important and necessary, like the other commentators, to review the scientific literature in order to identify the gaps and to reveal the relevance of the questions or hypothesis tested in the article in question. I would add that the presentation of a review of the scientific writings and the elaboration of the conceptual framework and even better, epistemological one of the authors of an article reinforces the criterion of scientificity of objectivity of their approach by making explicit their positioning towards established knowledge and their epistemological preferences. This transparency then allows the reader to take a critical look at their discovery both in terms of the methodological operations from which it emerges and towards the research program in which it is based. While doing so, the readers can interpret from the results what is seem to be attached to the researcher personal bias and what pertain to the scientific object in itself.