Working on chandrayaan-2 DFSAR data, there are three datasets available:
1) Slant range image data product: The slant range complex image file. Each pixel is represented by two 4-byte floating point value (one 4-byte floating point real and one 4-byte floating point imaginary value). Each pixel in the slant range image is Seleno-tagged with a lat./lon. value.
2) Ground range image data product: The ground range unsigned short int image file. Each pixel is represented by 2-byte unsigned short int. Each pixel in the slant range image is Seleno-tagged with a lat./lon. value.
3) Seleno-referenced image data product: The Map projected image file. Each pixel is represented by 2-byte unsigned short int file(amplitude).
Which should I be using if i want to generate coherency matrix and perform target decomposition?
Thanks in advance!