09 February 2017 3 5K Report

Hi Friends,

I have done ChIP using various antibodies (histone modification, DNA methylation and TF) using Epigentek kit. After ChIP, quantified the DNA with Nanodrop and found good amount of DNA concentration (6ng- 80ng) with 260/280 around 1.5- 1.7. Since nanodrop may not be reliable, I did gel electrophorosis and found 50-60% of samples (out of 48 number) with visible DNA. Based on the these results, confidently I packed the samples for the sequencing. However, based on the Qbit results, company is saying that DNA is very low (less than 10 ng) and many samples are showing zero . I am confused with these observations, could not believe with the electrophorosis results. Now I  could not make any decision whether I can proceed further or not. If you know, let me know, what is the minimum concentration of DNA for ChIP-Seq?  Why there is a disparity between gel and Q bit?

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