Another good resource person could be Dr. Vaibhav Mantri, Scientist in-charge, Marine Algal Research Station (MARS), CSMCRI, Madnapam, Tamil Nadu, India
Quadrant method is best method to asses the biomass of the particular area. Depaending on the quantity of biomass use either 1X1M or 50 X 50 Cm quadrant. Some time this may be divided into subquadrates for esay operation.
Article Numerical study of intertidal zonation along visakhaptnam co...
You will need eather a quadrat or some sampling device, as a corer, if there are soft sediments. You take n samples, you can assort by species or obtain total biomass. You can obtain wet weight or dry samples in an owen to get dry weight. Calculate mean, and multiply by a factor to get the biomass obatined in your sampling area to quadrat meter. Size of sampling devices depends on the size of the organisms to study.
There are several books and manuals on sampling different kind of marine organisms you should read.
Hernández-Carmona G, Rodríguez Montesinos YE, Torres Villegas JR, Sánchez Rodríguez I & Vilchis MA. 1989a. Evaluación de los mantos de Macrocystis pyrifera (Phaeophyta, Laminariales) en Baja California, México, I. Invierno 1985-1986. Ciencias Marinas. 15(2):1-27. Bilingüe.
Hernández-Carmona G, Casas Valdez MM, Fajardo León C, Sánchez Rodríguez I & Rodríguez Montesinos YE .1990. Evaluación de Sargassum spp. en la Bahía de la Paz, B.C.S., México. Inv. Mar. CICIMAR. 5(1):11-18.
For estimation of Biomass, 25X25 CM ( size will be depend on quntity of biomass) quadrant will be placed on the intertidal rocky surfaces randomly and collect algae present in the quadrant. Remove all epiphytes and debris and cleaned properly. Then dried under shade or in an oven. Average monthly values ( 4 or 5 quadrants samples ) are expressed as gram dry wt/m 2. One year continous sampling is necessary for collection of biomas data.
The very good methodological article is : Downing and Anderson (1985) Estimating the standing biomass of aquatic macrophytes. Can J Fish Aquat Sci 42: 1860-1869.