Could this work? Here’s a method we might investigate, that might immunize people until we have the vaccine. 1) Collect blood from those who have recovered, and extract and stockpile their COVID-19 antibodies. 2) Administer the Coronavirus itself to patients we wish to immunize 3) Allow the virus to develop to a certain point within the patient, and: 4) Then administer the stockpiled serum to quickly cure them. 5) The patient recovers, and has developed their own immunity Thus, we ‘hack’ the virus, by activating the patient’s immunize system to develop the antibodies, and quickly cure them with antibodies stockpiled from recovered patients. If this process is feasible, we could use it as a bridge to protect our most vulnerable until we have a working vaccine. Could this work? Why or why not?
You are absolutely true, there are many daily wagers, who will definitely out of money within these lock down periods and they have also large family members to feed. Hopefully Government will take some corrective measures in this regard.
The latest development is, that a lockdown plus masks are the keys for future survival? But...What... about the permanent changes to human societies the coronavirus will make?
Probably as massive as what happened to my Native American relatives 500 years ago...When the European people brought us Bubonic plague, chickenpox, cholera, the common cold, diphtheria, influenza, malaria, measles, scarlet fever, sexually transmitted diseases, smallpox, typhoid, typhus, tuberculosis, and whooping cough ?
And that all happened within a short amount of time, and some of us fortunately survived, that is why I am here to tell you this story today!
Much more important than WHEN or HOW the pandemic will end, will be WHO wins the current battle...between the scientists and medical practitioners who are working hard to get us all healthy, and the some of the politicians who look at us--just as numbers--and only interested in maintaining their money and power?
Part of health, and getting safely through a pandemic, is MENTAL HEALTH... So the local Art group in Palo Alto, CA has set up a art contest to submit on-line a post card image with the theme "Wish you were Here" at
AND anyone can still submit... their post card design until May 16... and you can submit up to 15 different ones per person at
LATEST DEVELOPMENT--Between now in early December 2020 and when EVERYONE gets the vaccines ...(which could be 2022 or 2023 if you are not one of the top 10 countries actually manufacturing the vaccines)--you MUST go on China-style SEVERE lockdown.
I have been tracking the Covid trends as one of my Research Gate Projects, and the numbers of total cases does not look go if we continue on this "Lockdown Lite" path we have been on for months now--NOV 25 = 60 million,
December 25 = 80 million, January 30 = 110 million, February 15 = 123 million, March 15 = 153 million, April 5 = 175 million, April 30 = 200 million, etc.
Without the severe China-style lockdown right now... the vaccines will not be available quickly enough for the 7.5 billion people on the planet--And instead of waiting and hoping, each country MUST go on a severe lockdown for at least 3-5 weeks, and also test EVERYONE once a week, and separate out the POSITIVE from everyone else, in areas away from their families until they test negative again.
The dire need for the vaccines, WILL cause all of the countries that are spending their money on militaries and military hardware... to shift those resources to ramp up so they can produce industrialized amounts of the vaccines themselves, to save their own country from the real enemy, the Covid virus.
All of the countries of the world, MUST break the "Covid-Industrial Complex" which is the hand full of countries developing and manufacturing the Covid vaccines right now.. and obtain a license for whichever vaccine you want to save your own people with, and start manufacturing that vaccine in your own country? Why wait in line for China or the USA or one of the European manufacturers to hand out whatever is left over, after they make sure all of their own people get the shots?
Interesting articles on the vaccine developments at
A new mutant variant of SARS-CoV-2 (known as VUI–202012/0) has been identified in United Kingdom which is 70% more transmissible than the previously dominant strain.