Hey everyone,

I've been working with GRIN lenses (Inscopix) for almost 1 year and still had no luck seeing strong fluorescence on them. When I look at them, I can see good blood flow and, sometimes, some fluorescence, but never enough to get significant conclusions.

I've tried different virus concentrations (currently we're using 1:6), intervals between virus injection and lens implant (2-4 weeks), checking the calcium signal after 4-6 weeks, and still, I can't see a nice fluorescence.

It's important to highlight that when I perfuse the animals to check the virus expression, it is not as high as other regions/mice strains (since we depend on the D1 expression in the mPFC) but I'm still able to mark and visualize the GFP neurons in the confocal.

I've also injected in the striatum since it's another region that is involved in the type of behavior that I study, but I haven't done this immuno yet (probably in the following days).

In light of everything mentioned, does anyone have any suggestions to improve the fluorescence? Maybe some tips for the surgeries, intervals, virus, regions, concentrations etc. Every suggestion is more than welcome.

I'm attaching an example of one animal that I checked the fluorescence.

Let me know if you need further information and thank you very much for the help.

P.S. Relevant information:

- Target region: medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) - DV -2.3mm

- Lens: Proview Integrated lens 0.5x4.0mm Inscopix

- Mice strain: D1-cre

- Virus: pAAV.Syn.GCaMP6f.WPRE.SV40 (Plasmid #100837 - Addgene)

- System: nVista Inscopix.

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