I am confused with the % of input control in ChIP. How much amount of sheared chromatin has to be taken as a control for ChIP-qPCR? Let's say for example, I have 350 uL sheared chromatin samples for both WT and Transgenic and going to perform IP with three antibodies: Negative control, Positive Control, and antibody of interest. As per kit protocol, sheared chromatin has to be diluted with chip dilution buffer in a 1:1 ratio, then samples volume will be 700 uL.

As per the kit, I have to perform IP with 100uL (from 700 uL) diluted sheared chromatin. If that is the case, how much amount of sheared chromatin do I have to take and proceed as input control. Please help me. (Note: In protocol, they have suggested taking 5 uL of diluted chromatin as input DNA)

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