
I just received a vial of Caco2 from ATCC. I am going to make stocks of it for next time uses. Once i revived the cells from the ATCC i found out that the cells have difficulty to attach to the substrate. I kept splitting the cells into two flasks every 24 hours. The cells from the original (first flask, day 1) started to attach after 8 days. They are forming many cell patches and not forming a nicely monolayer (Please refer to attached picture). I subs the cells after it reaches 90% confluence (1:2 ratio). Is it normal for the newly purchased cells to take some time to attach? 

After subsculture, i was shocked that the cell start to confluence after 3 days. And i subs it into (1:4 ratio). I think the cells are now adapting to the culture condition?

now i have 16 flasks and decided to cryo 12 flasks of them. What is the best way to cryo it. Is it okay to add 5% DMSO directly into the cell suspension? Because as far as i know DMSO is toxic to the cell. Direct contact of DMSO to the cell may cause shock? 

Or is it the best way to prepare the freezing media first. Then resuspend the cells in the freezing media?

what is the best cryo cell density (number) for caco2? 

Complete growth media used : EMEM + 20% FBS + 1% pen/strep

Freezing media : 5% DMSO in complete growth media

Thank you all  

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