After preparing the oil (10mL DCM + 720 mg PLGA 75:25 acid terminated + 72 mg CsA drug) and water (90mL of 0.5%PVA) phase solution, I used the ultrasonic emulsifier while the beaker was placed in ice (100 Watt for 3.5 minutes). I always obtained a stable, milk-like solution with no visible particles at the bottom. Then, I stirred the solution for DCM evaporation for 18 hours.
Regarding the second issue, I believe it can be resolved if I can successfully re-disperse the pellet and add particular amount of water before lyophilization.
Please, let me know how to re-disperse the pellet in water during washing &&& amount of water to be added to each pellet in the four tubes before starting lyophilization.
Thank you.