What is a theory of everything?

“A Theory of Everything is literally a theory of everything, including the force of gravity (which is not described by the standard model or a GUT), and anything else in our universe that our current theories cannot explain. One of the main ingredients in a "theory of everything" is Quantum gravity, the unification of gravity (general relativity) with quantum mechanics (quantum field theory). We do not yet have a successful theory of quantum gravity. A GUT is also a necessary ingredient of a theory of everything, but only if a GUT exists”. [1]

Solution the problems of GUT and a Theory of Everything:

It may be thought that these two problems are separate of each other, but both problems; GUT and the Theory of Everything has a common root. Therefore, the solution of each of them includes another solution as well.

A. The solution of GUT: if we describe the mechanism of the virtual photons production (electromagnetic force carrier) by charged particles, then we will see that electromagnetic repulsive force in a very short distance, turns to the attractive force, then the GUT problem can be solved. In this way we will reach to unify the electromagnetism and gravity that is the Theory of Everything. [2]

B. The solution of the Theory of Everything: to get understand the Theory of Everything, we must re-define fundamental particles. In CPH Theory, mass/energy and the amount of speed of fundamental particle must be constant and not turn into other particles. While in the Standard Model, fundamental particles have variable mass and speed, so they are not fundamental particles. To find fundamental particle we must reconsider and analyzed the interaction between photon and the graviton. In this way the GUT problem can be solved, too. [3]

Both of the above methods have been given in CPH Theory.

1 - Barak Shoshany's answer to What are the Grand Unified Theory and the Theory of Everything, and what is the difference between them?

2 - Hossein Javadi’s answer to What principle can potentially substitute 4 fundamental forces in physics? Is it the principle of least action?

3 - Hossein Javadi’s answer to Are massless Dirac fermions, as discussed in the literature of graphene, identical to Weyl fermions? If yes, from where does the name of massless Dirac fermions come?

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