32 Questions 373 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hossein Javadi
Over the past century, much effort has been put into defining the particle. Various definitions have been proposed in this issue, including point-like, wave function collapse, quantum field...
04 December 2021 6,934 3 View
If so, what means massless photon? If no, why a moving photon has the mass equal to m=E/c^2? 'The theory of relativity deduces, from its fundamental assumption, a clear and convincing answer to...
23 May 2018 6,974 71 View
A brief overview of the cosmological models, it is well illustrated that our cosmological knowledge is the cognitive function we have acquired on the earth. Ptolemy's cosmological model was...
28 April 2018 8,643 11 View
There is still no consensus on whether the fields are composed of particles or no. For examples: Art Hobson, There are no particles, there are only fields, American Journal of Physics 81, 211...
17 February 2018 3,947 11 View
"All our theories today seem to imply that the universe should contain a tremendous concentration of energy, even in the emptiest regions of space. The gravitational effects of this so-called...
16 February 2018 6,569 38 View
In 1924 de Broglie assumed that for particles the same relations are valid as for the photon: E=hf and E=pc Where E and p are the energy and momentum of the...
18 January 2018 5,226 30 View
Quantum gravity could be probed by entangled masses http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/2018/jan/15/quantum-gravity-could-be-probed-by-entangled-masses I have described the relationship...
15 January 2018 7,466 8 View
The Standard Model of particle physics describes the universe in terms of Matter (fermions) and Forces (bosons). Particles of matter transfer discrete amounts of energy by exchanging bosons with...
23 December 2017 1,825 9 View
Usually, this phenomenon is explained by relativistic mass of the electron. How can we describe it by zero rest mass of the photon?
22 December 2017 9,030 53 View
Why dark energy produces a repulsive force field is a bit complicated. Quantum theory says virtual particles can pop into existence for the briefest of moments before returning to nothingness....
16 October 2017 9,774 9 View
I saw the following text and have thought this is debatable. The gravitational redshift or blueshift shows that, in the gravitational field, the energy of light is reduced or increased. The law of...
09 December 2016 8,749 21 View
Einstein described gravity as equivalent to curves in space and time, but physicists have long searched for a theory of gravitons, its putative quantum-scale source. Physicists have searched for a...
08 November 2016 7,766 26 View
Why does the same object weigh more when it is hot than when it is cold? The reason why hot objects are heavier is because E=mc^2. If you have absolutely identical objects that have the same...
10 February 2016 9,803 20 View
Quantum field theory comes from starting with a theory of fields, and applying the rules of quantum mechanics. A field is simply a mathematical object that is defined by its value at every point...
22 January 2016 7,321 39 View
Once a photon of light is born, it travels at a speed of 300,000 km/sec until it collides with a charged particle and is diverted in another...
28 December 2015 8,135 48 View
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1965 was awarded jointly to Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, Julian Schwinger and Richard P. Feynman "for their fundamental work in quantum electrodynamics, with deep-ploughing...
07 December 2015 2,784 98 View
Symmetries are not hard to find. Plates in the china shop look the same when rotated; serving platters are identical to their mirror reflection. But much of the world is messy and asymmetric, and...
30 October 2015 7,124 17 View
"Two pieces of matter that are close to each other have less [positive] energy than the same two pieces a long way apart, because you have to expend energy to separate them against the...
25 October 2015 8,801 34 View
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2015 recognises Takaaki Kajita in Japan and Arthur B. McDonald in Canada, for their key contributions to the experiments which demonstrated that neutrinos change...
12 October 2015 3,169 36 View
For a physicist, the vacuum is the lowest-energy state, after taking these quantum e ects into account. This lowest-energy state may not possess all the symmetries of the underlying equations of...
12 September 2015 3,480 34 View
Is the Universe homogeneous?http://arxiv.org/abs/1104.1300New evidence for a preferred direction in spacetime challenges the cosmological...
27 July 2014 3,237 16 View
I am trying to explain something that I have posted to group before, but seem they need explanations more. At first we need to leave our ideas of point particles and zero rest mass particles. In...
31 March 2014 1,471 3 View
The Einstein field equation or Einstein equation is a dynamical equation that describes how matter and energy change the geometry of space-time, this curved geometry being interpreted as the...
27 March 2014 10,005 11 View
WE ARE born. We die. We call the span that separates these events time. Its passage is perhaps the most fundamental feature of our human experience, yet we are incapable of saying exactly what it...
01 January 1970 6,646 98 View
At the beginning of the 20th century, Newton’s second law was corrected considering the limit speed c and the relativistic mass. At that time there has not been a clear understanding of the...
01 January 1970 2,206 21 View
“Those photons are said to be virtual because the ground state cannot radiate. Their presence can be however directly revealed when the system parameters are non-adiabatically modulated in time,...
01 January 1970 3,547 6 View
https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-basic-elements-that-must-be-available-in-the-theory-of-everything/answer/Hossein-Javadi-1?share=7f7b7870&srid=F7rA What is a theory of everything? “A Theory...
01 January 1970 7,245 6 View
01 January 1970 795 27 View
Scattering of light by matter has been studied extensively in the past. Yet, the most fundamental process, the scattering of a single photon by a single atom, is largely unexplored. One prominent...
01 January 1970 6,608 15 View
01 January 1970 3,508 37 View
01 January 1970 5,807 3 View
01 January 1970 7,947 3 View