18 Questions 207 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hans-G. Hildebrandt
The great experiment at the LHC has proven the non-existence of quarks. But current theories claim that 'quarks' are the decaying particles if β-electrons resp. β-positrons arise. If the theories...
20 October 2019 5,068 3 View
The electron-positron pair production and the β+-transformation of atomic nuclei require the same minimum energy of 1,022MeV.The competing processes of the β+-transformation of an atomic nucleus...
02 February 2017 7,518 71 View
Maybe a very high mass star can itself compress to very high matter density.But what observations lead to the assumption, a smaller object could collapse at Schwarzschild dimension?I remind the...
25 November 2016 3,164 32 View
The quark theory assigns certain quark combinations to the different particles, par example:Proton p = (uud)Neutron n = (udd)ngative delta Δ– = (ddd)ngative omega Ω– = (sss)Provided that the quark...
21 August 2016 1,494 4 View
The electron-positron pair production as well as the β+-emission require a minimum energy of 1,022MeV. Therefore it can be stated that the underlying cause of the β+-emission is a...
26 April 2016 6,965 30 View
Space and time don't exist obviously without matter. The assumption is incorrect respectively wrong that space and time are objective present or existing and the matter only overmoulding or...
29 October 2015 4,241 60 View
Superconductive materials like Niob, which are rotating at high speed deform the gravitational field. You can name it Podkletnow-Effect. Do non-superconductive materials also show a small effect,...
25 June 2015 9,608 3 View
We have to expect that theoretical physics needs even more than 61 particles to declare the world of real particles and atomic nuclei. Otherwise was the proof of 'quarks' at LHC a failure. You can...
01 January 1970 1,258 27 View
Contemplation on a Black Spot (Author: W. Engelhardt) We remember the picture of an anomaly in the centre of M87. This anomaly can have several causes. The explorers are convinced that they saw a...
01 January 1970 5,679 29 View
Contemporary physics is from the view of particle physics a breeding ground for theories which quite misses a serious analysis of all the comprehensive facts collected over decades. The amount of...
01 January 1970 5,627 35 View
Podklednov et al have gravity influenced by a rotating superconductive disk. The experiment has limited size dimensions because of very low temperatures etc. Was this experiment ever performed by...
01 January 1970 8,633 5 View
A picture was published a few days ago. It shows ostensible a "Black Hole" within the galaxy M87. Looks like an explosion of a nova or an explosion of a whole cluster of this galaxy. The...
01 January 1970 4,799 8 View
In contrast to the theoretical space of mathematics is the real physical space never free from any form of matter. Therefore it is impossible that any particle crossed the space uninfluenced for...
01 January 1970 4,568 30 View
All planetary systems have similar formation conditions. It is to be expected that the arrangement of the different celestical bodies within the system is always about the same: Central star -...
01 January 1970 1,430 9 View
Particles and antiparticles have the same mass and lifetime. They each decay into equal particles with opposite charges. Not so these particles. Their lifetimes are very different and their decays...
01 January 1970 5,714 9 View
01 January 1970 3,600 3 View
If one approaches the nucleus and particle world on analytical way and not with the usual theoretical-mathematical thought processes, then atomic nuclei become visible as spatial particle...
01 January 1970 7,904 9 View
The detection of quarks has always failed so far. Shouldn't that be sufficient evidence for their non-existence? As we know, quarks were invented to explain the structure of proton, neutron and...
01 January 1970 3,505 100 View