11 November 2014 7 7K Report

We would like to establish tumour-bearing mice models by using a cancer cell that have been stably transfected with a plasmid. Several different groups will be established which will receive different treatments. So far, we have a control group that will not be injected with any cancer cells (normal control) and we have a control tumour group which will not receive any treatment. What we want to know, is whether we have to include control groups where the mice have been injected with the non-transfected cell line (i.e. does not contain the plasmid)? If it is needed, is it oky to just include one such group (i.e. a control tumour group not containing any plasmid and not receiving any treaments)? Or do we have to include such groups for each of the different treatments as well (i.e. a separate control tumour group without plasmid receiving treatment A, and also receiving treatment B, and also receiving treatment C and so on..)? The problem is, if this is really needed, the study gets really big, and the cost involved with that large amount of mice is too much. I hope I'm explaining this clearly. Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated!

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