Thank you very much.......but i also want to know that how the cell respond to particular stress and onething that please give me answer with special refrence to algae..
Research is dynamic, answers or responses do not have to directly apply to algae, it's left for the researcher to device ways of diversifying the research. Of course the most important effect of stress on plants is the weather(sun). In most leguminous plants, heat shock proteins are quantified from transcriptome sequences, these signify the responses of the plant to heat shock through expression of the gene. You can look at it from this and many more angles.
Sorry, I overread that you want specific answer on algae. I work mainly on Plants and their invitro cultures. At the end the induction/stress shouldn't vary that much. I have lots of articles if you like but it is about higher plants!
thanks again Mariam ........plz in future if find article related to environmental induced stress in algae please share with me mail id :