I have been using Antifoam B for E.coli fermentation. I have used this without a problem in the past. I use a 5% solution that is pumped into the fermenter on a need basis as detected by the fermenter foam probe.

Recently my cultures started dying/stopped growing when the antifoam solution is pumped in the culture. I believe this a bad batch, has anyone had a problem like this before? I was hoping to just get a discussion going on what type of antifoam you use and how you use it.

i.e. what is the stock concentration, are you pumping it in, or adding manually, or adding a certain amount before the culture is started?


Instruments: Sartorius Biostat Aplus Fermenter

Chemicals: Antifoam B (Sigma). I dilute to 5% and use that for the antifoam detection probe/pump.

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