10 October 2016 3 5K Report

hi im new to research so i will be happy to receive any advise on this matter. I have a new cell line with me and i am proceeding to ensure that this cell line is indeed what it is by detecting protein expression of certain markers.

i extracted total protein lysate and proceed to load 50ug of total protein into SDS, followed by antibody detection with western blot. I read from many sources that 50ug is a good 'chance' of success but for 3 main proteins im detecting, i am getting faint bands and have to resort to even longer exposure time to get something decent. The thing is my housekeeping protein (actin) also have similar faint bands which led me to think that maybe protein is degraded or transfer is not complete.

2 of the proteins is 100kd, 1 protein is 50kd. and i perform transfer with 1.5mm SDS gel at 80v for 2 hours. to be honest, the protein ladder markers gets transferred ok for the 100 and 50kd regions but my ponceu stain showed that my samples dont really have strong discrete bands. more like a few bands here and there and some regions even have smear instead of discrete bands.

i could try with a different lysis buffer but what other conditions would you recommend that i tweak??

thanks in advance!

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