Hi everyone, what are the ways of measuring supersonic flows in wind tunnels? I would be glad if anyone who has worked in this field or knows any article about this subject sends it to me.
Schlieren technique, pressure and temperature sensitive paints, particle image velocimetry, wind tunnel balances, and a few more methods used for measuring flow parameters. It all depends on the particular test you have to carry out. Please refer to a text book on this context. Like High Speed Wind Tunnel Testing by Pope and Goin. And other text books by me:
1. Particle Image Velocimetry: Fundamentals and its Applications
2. Pressure Sensitive Paints: The Basics and its Applications.
Since no one mentioned it yet, I would like to add Molecular Tagging Velocimetry (MTV) to the list of nonintrusive velocimetry techniques previously introduced.
An extensive review on MTV by Koochesfahani & Nocera (2007):
A more specific review on MTV in gases by Pitz & Danehy (2021): https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/20205004945/downloads/Update%20Chapter%2014%20MTV%20in%20Gases_23%20July%202020_%20for%20review.pdf
For a non-exhaustive list of experimental papers reporting velocity fields in supersonic flows using several variants of MTV (HTV, KTV, FLEET, VENOM):
Pitz et al. (2012) [HTV]:
Article Supersonic Flow over a Ramped-Wall Cavity Flame Holder with ...
Parziale et al. (2017, 2021) [KTV]:
Article Nonintrusive Freestream Velocity Measurement in a Large-Scal...
Article Freestream velocity-profile measurement in a large-scale, hi...
Danehy et al. (2021) [FLEET]:
Article Application of femtosecond-laser tagging for unseeded veloci...
Miles et al. (2021) [FLEET]:
Conference Paper Velocity and Temperature Measurements in Mach 18 Nitrogen Fl...
Bowersox et al. (2020) [VENOM]:
Conference Paper Towards Vibrationally Excited Nitric Oxide Monitoring (VENOM...