I'm new in using iTRAQ labeling and I get stuck in the pellet resuspension. I'm using the 8plex kit bought in 2012 (I say that because I noticed that there are some differences compared with previous years handbooks). My starting material is a muscle tissue homogenized with Guanidine-HCl. I precipitate between 75-100ug of protein using acetone. The problem is the pellet solubilization. I tried 0.5M TEAB + 0.1% SDS in a volume of 21ul (that is the same that if used the Dissolution buffer and Denaturant provided in the kit) but I cannot dissolve the pellet. In the iTRAQ handbook there is a table for "Alternative Detergents/Denaturant" where they recommend to use Urea (6M). The pellet is very well resuspended in 20ul of 0.5M TEAB with Urea (6M) but not if contains less than 3M.

The problem comes that, looking on the internet, I found some people saying that Urea has to be less than 3M to not affect trypsin digestion (in some forums even less than 1M). But, the iTRAQ handbook doesn't say anything about the Urea interfering with the Trypsin digestion step (only that if using Urea the incubation before Cysteine Blocking has to be at 37oC).

Does anyone know if 6M Urea can really interfere with the iTRAQ protocol in any step? If use 6M Urea with 0.5M TEAB, Do I have to add the Denaturant (2%SDS, that will be 0.1% final concentration) provided in the kit to the solubilized pellet?

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