In the last few weeks, I have successfully clone a plasmid that consists of GFP and pUC19. Both shows clone on the plates and no clone in negative control plate. After overnight culture with amp, I could observed the GFP one show a green pellet after centrifugation which means that the plasmid has successfully cloned into the bacteria. However, when I used the DNA spin plasmid purification kit to do mini-prep, the final concentration of plasmid that consists GFP was very low (10.8 ng/ul). Same situation happened in the pUC19 (6.5ng/ul). Therefore, I have tried two nanodrop machine which proved my nanodrop is working fine. Then, I plug the 10 ul of eluted puc19 to gel, a clear band can be shown (but not extremely strong).
So, may I ask for your help to explain what is the problem? Besides, I have searched some literature about proteinase K that can be used in bacterial plasmid extraction and increased the yield of plasmid, but not much protocol that use proteinase K to extract the plasmid. Therefore, may I ask for a proteinase K bacteria plasmid extraction protocol that fit my situation?
Thank you!