16 February 2018 6 686 Report


I am trying to purify a mammalian enzyme from bacteria E.coli (BL21(DE3)) and I have cloned the gene into pet28a and start to do induction with IPTG. After lysis with Lysozyme containing buffer (tris, glucose, EDTA and lysozyme) I can see that I am able to induce it. (Lane 6 in ponceau stained membrane). But the problem with this is I cannot get clear lysate. Which means I cannot purify it with Ni-NTA columns. When I do centrifugation and get supernatant I don't have my protein. Which I think it is in inclusion body and when I boil it I can take it out... When I do 8M urea containing lysis (urea, NaCl and KH2PO4) to open inclusion body I cannot get the whole induction again but at least I get clear lysate containing my protein, means when I do centrifugation my protein is in the supernatant. (Lane 4 after dialysis with same buffer without urea). Then I thought now the lysis is not good that's why I got less protein. So I was thinking of adding both of urea and Lysozyme together to have both good lysis and good opening of inclusion bodies. Do you think it is ok to use both of them together or do you think 6M guanidine HCl is better for my situation because of the enzymatic activity beside of the fact that mammalian post-translational modification problems etc..

It will be very nice If I can find someone to help me with this, which I cannot come up with a solution.

Thank you in advance,


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