I recently fused two ORF protein with IgG Fc fragment in pCAGEN vector. After transfection in 293T cell, using two mAbs of the ORF or the antibody against human IgG, I can observe obvious expression. But when performing WB, by the two mAbs against the ORF, I can see a specific band, but the band size is 15Kd smaller than the total size. While using the HRP-antibody against human IgG, I can't see any specific band. I checked the antibodies, they works fine against other protein.

The proposed size of ORF should be 35kd, and the size of Fc should be around 23kd. After sequencing, there is no stop codon in the sequence, only three AA mutation in Fc fragment. So I suspected the overexpressed protein maybe misfolded or processed by 293T cell, so the downstream of Fc is broken. Besides, I add a secrete signaling peptide upstream of the ORF, but the protein was not secreted to supernatant when I expressed it in CHO cell.

 If there is any analysis or suggestions, I will be very appreciated! 

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