I am working on modelling a panel using the panel variable coefficients model (pvcm) in R and I cannot figure out how to test these coefficients. With the "summary" command I get something like this for every independent variable:



Min. : 0.5067

1st Qu.: 1.2178

Median : 1.8427

Mean : 1.9804

3rd Qu.: 1.9431

Max. : 5.4509

If I use the "print" command I get:



A 0.50674

B 1.93311

C 5.45093

D 1.97311

E 1.00549

F 1.88754

G 1.79777

H 1.28856

I haven't been working with R for too long, but I have searched everything I could think of over the internet and I cannot find a function that would return st. errors, t-test and p-values for the coefficients of A, B, C...

Can anyone help me with that?

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