Hello everyone,

I am trying to identify the localization of my protein of interest, which is a transporter in an organelle. Our guess is mitochondria but we would like a picture of that.

I work with A549 cells, my protein is tagged with HA and I have a really hard time to image it when there are 2 colors (other than DAPI). When I only want to detect HA, I can see very nicely and guess the organelle, but if I incubate prior fixation with Mitotracker (red) or try to label anti-citrate synthase (mitochondria), my HA signal is now a big mess, sometimes really low, sometimes non specific.

My protocol is as follow:

1- Cell are cultured on poly-lysine glass coverslip

2- wash with PBS then fixed with 4% PAF (ready to use, ThermoFisher) for15min at room temperature

3- Permeabilized and blocked 2x30min with PBS 0.2% Triton-x100 1.5% FBS

4- Overnight incubation at 4°C with primary antibody

5- Wash 3x5min with blocking buffer then 1h in dark with secondary. I use the Alexa fluor 488 for my HA tag and AF594 for the others.

6- Wash 3x10min with PBS 0.2% Triton-X100 then 2x5min with milliQ water

7- Excess of water removed and coverslip dropped on 1 drop of acqueus mounting media with DAPI

8-Immediately sealed with nail polish and place at 4°C in the dark

I take my pictures with confocal LSM700. We have the laser for 488 but the other 568 (and not 594).

I attached pictures to show you how nice my HA signal can be alone and how it is when another dye/AF is used.

I tried to increase the primary antibody concentration but the result was not different.

I checked that I did not have an cross reaction with my antibodies (mouse or rabbit) and I regularly add controls with no primary or no secondary to check the non specific binding. I thought about spectral overlap but the strong overlap could only be 488 and DAPI (405) and I have no issue with the blue DAPI. 488 and 594 (even 568) are well separated regarding Ex/Em.

Thank you for your insights, it's really frustating.

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