Hi guys,
I've been struggling with this issue for close to three months now.
My issue:
I transfect my PC-3 cell line with Lipofectamine 2000 and my siRNA (PLK1) and with the controls non-targeting siRNA & Lipofectamine, Lipofectamine only and Naked siRNA. I use a 24 well plate, each sample has a triplicate - so my transfection is set up with triplicate amounts and 200ul of the tranfection reagent added to each. So that means 0.76ul of siRNA, 1.2ul of Lipofectamine and then 198.04ul of Opti to make 200ul per well. These 200ul are then added to 300ul of Opti-MEM which is already in the plate.
I'm having issue with cell number, sometimes really full plates and sometimes not, and now having problems with obtaining a suitable RNA concentration, predominantly below 100 ng/ul.
I have already increased the incubation periods from 24hr to 48hr and 72 hr - results haven't been obtained yet as the assays are currently running.
Now the next problem is that my MTT assay is also not working properly. For this I'm simply using lipofectamine and lipofectamine & non-targeteing siRNA as practice in RPMI. Lipofectamine is bad for cells- we all know this - but I'm obtaining % viability well over 100%.
I'm completely lost, so any help/recommendations are greatly appreciated.