I am trying to perform site-directed mutagenesis for which I have designed primers carrying the desired mutation (the primer is designed by my professor).
My plasmid length is 9 Kbp. I am using the enzyme called Turbo Pfu polymerase (2 min/Kbp) as extension time.
My PCR condition is as follows as mentioned in the Manual's Instruction:
Initial denaturation: 98 C
92 C for 30 sec (denaturation)
65 C- 67 C- 68 C for 1 min (annealing temperature) optimizing
68 C for 29:40 min:sec (giving extra time for extension)
20 X cycles
68 C for 20 min to finish
4 C stop
After running the gel, I couldn't see any band in the gel (expected 9 Kbp). Do you know what could be the problem? Also we are planning to use Phusion enzyme for the reaction, will that be ok? Any suggestions are welcome.