I am trying to clone my blunt PCR product amplified by Deep Vent polymerase into the TOPO vector. The PCR product is of size approximately 900 bp. The product concentration is 90.1 ng/ul as measured by nano-drops.

I have tried first using Blunt TOPO vector (Invitrogen) but it gave me no positive clones in all my three attempts. Now, I am trying to clone the blunt PCR product into TOPO XL PCR vector by adding A' residues to the PCR product. The protocol involves addition of dNTPs (20 mM) to the purified PCR product and incubate it in presence of Taq polymerase at 72 C for 25 min. Than I proceeded with normal TA cloning, I got some distinct clones but I couldn't recover them after growing in LB medium containing kanamycin which means they weren't the right clones. I also have make sure that the insert concentration should be greater than the vector (approxi 3:1).

Does any have specific experience in this issue?

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