I a trying to attach Linkers to the FAM3A gene which I have amplified from the genomic DNA of the patient. PCR worked great for the amplification of FAM3A gene. Now I am trying to attach linkers to the FAM3A gene (763) using PCR again.

I am doing PCR and I have used DeepVent polymerase, Phusion Polymerase, Taq plymerase to get the product which is 873 bp product. I have tried gradient PCR at the annealing temperature of 62-67 (Tm is 70). I got some product of the expected size but they are very faint and smear like.

My cycling conditions are as follows:

98 4 min

98 30 sec

63 30 sec

72 1 min/kbp

72 5 min

4 Hold

Any suggestions?

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