My cells don't seem to be growing and getting infected. The first batch I tried look like they were frozen with infection. I then got a supply from another lab and it has been a week and they don't seem to grow/double. I noticed that our unopened and sealed bottles of sf9 II medium had stuff growing in it. I think this media was quite old. So discarded this media and got a fresh bottle (which was just as old but clear).
I have thoroughly cleaned everything twice but still the cells get infected. The fumehood and incubator are in a side room. However, there are aktas in there where people have preps from E.coli.
All media had pen/strep added to it and I supplemented the media with 5%FBS. They are in suspension and spin at 130rpm. Someone suggested a lower speed which i tried but it made no difference (in terms of growth)
Yesterday the cells hadn't grown but they still looked good, round, no debris etc. Today they were completely infected.
I am getting a new batch of cells next week. Really wanted other people experience and any advice, as I don't want the next new batch of cells to be wasted.