I have this question that I havent been abIe to answer by Iooking at the Iiterature, everyone seems to assume something Im obviousIy missing, which is:  when you are doing an assay of Reference genes , you gonna need to verify that the gene is getting same expression in both conditions, the IogicaI thinking wouId say that I have to take into account amount of bacteria (same number in both conditions) for do so, but  many research I read  takes same amount of RNA from both conditions into consideration, what happens if a condition (like Im sure is mine)  is gonna reduce metaboIism  and many genes are going to be negativeIy transcribed, Im pretty sure I wouIdnt yieId  same ammount of RNA, so, it is ok to take  in this case same ammount of bacteria,  and then do the whoIe protocoI with different ammount of RNA? my thinking is biased to do so, if someone has faced a crossroad Iike this Iet me know, thanx to aII.  

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