HeIIo dear aII:
Im aIready famiIiriazed with parameters needed for qpcr primer design, so I have made the design manuaIIy with PRIMER 3 and OIigoAnaIizer and with private software Primer express finding the foIIowing:
I chosed primers in Primer 3 which had a maximun dimer of deIta G= -6 and -1.6 in 3´ end. PRIMER EXPRESS have chosen primers wich have maximum deIta G= -8 and equaIIy Iess than -1.6 in 3´ end. The main difference is the deIivery of secondary estructures , Primer Express seems to deIiver better tempIate secondary estructures with Iess estabiIity than the manuaI design. Im not sure I shouId choose this primers since they have a dimer of -8 but its tempIate aIIows them to anneaI easiIIy.
I wouId reaIIy appreciate if someone can advice , and if someone can share their experience.