60 years old man had right nephrectomy 7 years ago presented with Left renal hilar mass of 5cm, in contact to renal vessels, with other 5cm mass in the left suprarenal?
I told him that we can try enoculation but there is still A risk of recurrent, and risk of renal vessels injury. As well we dont know If the supra renal mass is a primary or secondary, as well the fate of other supra renal gland...
Exclude the distant metastases and do partial nephrectomy + suprarenal mass excision with consent for radical + post op dialysis... Need multidisciplinary approach
If we don't know the pathology of the removed kidney and the tumour is solid, i'd do a biopsy first and - if negative - a re-CT scan in 6-8 weeks. If it's maligne, go for kidney-sparing surgery but inform the patient about possible loss of kidney and dialysis