Hi everyone,
We are looking for a quick/instant method to perform cell lysis (HEK cells) while monitoring luciferase activity from t=0 to t=5-30 min let say.
So the lysis buffer need to be very strong to instantly rupture the membranes... while keeping protein integrity (and capacity to interact, or not interact). So 30 min on ice / on a wheel in a cold chamber or sonication are out of question.
Hence: osmotic shock. We have tried a (too?) simple PBS 0.1X with some success (luciferase signal up to 1h30 after cell lysis) but I am having cold feet about using that method as I have seen so far very little support in the literature (or even on the world wide web). Should we add some EDTA, Tris, (protease inhibitor)... anything to buffer our solution?
EDIT: i.e. what would be the effect of PBS 0.1X alone on the proteins? what can I do to protect them?
Thank you in advance