
I am looking to precipitate and/or concentrate a protein (around 45 kDa) from a gram-positive bacterial culture supernatant.  The media used is GM17, which is fairly complex with loads of protein hydrolisates, which I don't know if will interfere with the extraction.  The protein will be used for Western blot quantification, so it doesn't need to retain activity and can be denatured.

The estimated amount of protein in the supernatant is fairly low, around 1 ug/mL, so I guess we'll need to use large volumes of supernatant to isolate an amount compatible with western blotting.

We've tried with ultrafiltration, with Microcon columns, and cold ethanol precipitation, with no luck.  I'm aware of several precipitation methods, such as phenol, chloroform/methanol, TCA or ammonium sulphate.  I don't really know if the protein is degraded during the culture, which is carried o/n at 30ºC, and if this is the reason why we don't see any protein.

What can we do to extract this protein?


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