Good day, I am a fairly new researcher having problems in culturing the THP-1 Blue monocytic cell line. I am trying to make a bank of these cells for future use; however, whenever i culture these cells, they always show a very low viability percent (around 30% to 40%)

These cells are from the suspension type and this is what i am doing:

1) I thaw a vial and culture them in T-75cm flask in 10ml of Rosswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) 1640 culture media. I leave them overnight in the media.

2) I then proceed to centrifuge the cells at 1,300 - 1,400 rpm x 5 minutes to remove the dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).

3) The cells are then cultured in T-75cm flask with 10ml of RPMI media for 2-3 days.

4) After 2 or 3 days, i obseve that there appears to be a great number of cells. I get excited and proceed to centifuge them at 1,300-1,400rpm x 5 minutes. The pellet appears great in size, i remove the supernatant and proceed to count the cells.

5) I count the cells with the trypan blue procedure (white cells are alive while dead cells are blue) and i see that almost all of them are in blue. I count them anyways and proceed to validate my results with the TC20 Automated Cell Counter by BIO-RAD and confirm that they show similar/identical percentage of live vs dead cells. The cells are useless so i have discard them.



-The cells are in an early passage (passage +6)

-The incubator parameters are 37C and 5% CO2.

- I really do not like the date sheet of these cells. They recommend to centrifuge the cells at 3,000 - 5,000rpm x 5 minutes. I did this once and they all died (around 15% viability).

- The cells were provided as a gift from my committee member. The first time i subcultured these cells and count them, it resulted in a 95% viability. I started with 3 million cells and they double to 6million to almost 7 million cells. I froze these cells and after a while, i took a vial and thaw them and they started dying since then.

-We had suspicions that it was our incubator which was improperly cleaned. However, i sub-cultured the cells in two different incubator and they resulted with almost exactly the same viability (33% of primary incubator and 35% in secondary incubator).

-I was given a free culture media of RPMI from my co-workers. However, i am still very new and i was told this media works even though it is expired. I culture them with this media the first time and it resulted in 95% viability. The media expired on AUG 2013 and i fear it was maybe this? If it was this then why did they proliferate so fast with such a good viability?

-We have a fairly new RPMI culture media. However, this expired in AUG 2017. I prepared the media and culture another vial and they died with a 45% viability.

-My laboratory partners think they may have died during the freezing procedure. The freezing media recommended by this data sheet is RPMI 1640 with 20% FBS and 10% DMSO. We have suspicions that the 10% more of FBS may have killed them during the freezing procedure.

- I even count the cells with the RPMI media exp of AUG 2017 and count the cells the next day after removing the DMSO and they were at 45% viability.

Please, i would like suggestions for what to do.

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