I have been doing some troubleshooting relating to western blot with the help of a friend. We decided to test if our anti-rabbit conjugated HRP secondary antibodies are working properly by preparing both of us preparing a ratio of 1:1 (500uL of our substrate) and adding 1uL of our secondary antibody in a dark room. We both saw that immediate strong blue light was given for both of our antibodies. However, my blue light signal faded much quicker (lasted aroubd 25 to 30 seconds) than my friend's blue light signal (lasted maybe 1 minute or a little less).

What would be the reason for this?

We both have different anti-rabbit secondaries from different companies. We both have different substrate from different companies.

I repeated this with the substrate of my friend (from millipore) and there was strong blue light signal but faded much quicker than with my own substrate (super signal west femto)

At the end, both of our substrate were a dark brown color.

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