Does anyone have experience with using Polybrene solution on neuroblastoma cells to improve lenti-viral transduction? I specifically use; BE2C, SY5Y, NBLS and LAN-5 cells. But any information on similar cells would also be good. I noticed that in other labs the use of Polybrene is part of a normal protocol for most cell types, but we don't use it. one paper said "Subconfluent SK-N-AS cells were grown in viral supernatant with 4μg/ml of polybrene (Sigma) for 48 hours followed by a 24 hour period in regular culture media." Origene website said its sometimes toxic for primary neuronal cells, so I am a bit cautious. Would you also recommend that it should be part of our normal protocol in general, HEK293s etc? I do get pretty good infection and it worked in the past for me, but it would be good to use less MOIs. Thank you in advance :)

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