16 February 2016 3 918 Report

I've been having some issues with non-linearity with the Biorad iScript cDNA synthesis kit that I have been trying to troubleshoot.This same problem affects other kits, though perhaps not as severely (available upon request).

My general protocol:

- Purified DNA from liver by Trizol, then cleaned using a Qiagen RNEasy column with an on-column DNAse digestion.

- Diluted RNA via serial 1:10 dilutions in water.

- Used 10uL RNA per 20uL cDNA reaction as per manufacturers protocol (~50ng/ul  cDNA at highest)

- Included no RNA and No RT controls.

- Diluted cDNA 1:10 with water (~5ng/ul cDNA at highest)

- Used 2ul of diluted cDNA per 22uL qPCR reaction (10ng cDNA) using AppBio 1x Fast SYBR Green Master Mix with 0.2uM primers.

Analysis of these samples showed non-linearity between the 1X and the 1/100X dilutions, with the 1/10X dilution being essentially equal to the 1X dilution (See attached Powerpoint).

I subsequently diluted the prepared cDNA from the 1X dilution, and that dilution series was linear.

This seems to suggest that my samples *do not* contain a PCR inhibitor, but it may suggest that they contain something that is poisoning the cDNA kit.

Alternately, I may be exceeding the linear range of the kit -- though 1ug/20ul reaction is technically within the range the iScript kit recommends.

Might you have an idea what the source of this problem is, or a good way to solve it?

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