
My query is regarding the amount of DNA in my sample using Picogreen assay kit. 

I normally use a total reaction volume of 100 microlitre out of which 50 microlitre is 1:200 fold diluted Picogreen (as per manufacturer recommendation) and 50 microlitre is standard DNA or my sample.

For the standard, the final concentration expressed in ng/ml is as per the manufacturer after diluting with TE buffer.

I use a 5 microlitre of a sample (which has been pre-diluted already 10 times before being used) and obtain a DNA concentration of

e.g 800 ng/ml, the actual concentration of my sample would be

= (800 ng/1000 ml)*20*10 = 160 ng/ ml (5 microlitre of sample in 100 microlitre of reaction volume and 10 fold prior dilution of sample).

Please suggest as I got faint band for normal tissues following agarose (1.5%) gel electrophoresis using TBE buffer.



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