03 December 2018 3 2K Report

I need to detect the ROS levels of the differentiated neuronal cells using DCFDA reagent from Thermofisher. Following are the steps followed:

1. Differentiated neuronal cells seeded in 96-well plate (Black with clear bottom). Incubate for 24 hrs.

2. Treated the cells with H2O2 for 24 hrs.

3. Discard the media and added pre-warmed PBS/HEPES/HBSS.

4. Removed Buffer and stained the cells by adding diluted DCFDA Solution at the final working conc of 1-10 μM.

5. Incubate cells with the diluted DCFDA Solution for 45 minutes at 37°C in the dark.

6. Remove DCFDA Solution. Add PBS/HBSS/HEPES and measure fluorescence immediately to get a baseline fluorescence intensity.

7. If performing toxicity assays, remove Buffer/PBS and add diluted compound(s) of interest. Treat cells for desired time (1 – 6 hours). Include appropriate controls. DO NOT wash after treatment.

8. Measure plate on a fluorescence plate reader at Ex/Em = 485/535 nm (FITC range) in end point mode in the presence of compounds, media, or buffer.

Could someone advise if the protocol is correct as I see a huge signal from the well not treated with any H2O2 (No treatment what so ever).

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