In my current experiment I'm trying to detect cytokeratin 10 by western blot in whole cell lysate of A431 cells. Unfortunately there are strong signals from non-specific binding in my blots (see attached pics).
On the attached Image1 left membrane probed with anti-cytokeratin 10 antibodies 1:200 and secondary HRP-conjugated anti-mouse IgG. Membrane on the right probed with different primary IgG and same secondary antibodies. HRP substrate - SuperSignal West Femto. Blocking solution - 5% Milk in TBST. Gel - NuPAGE 4-12%, running buffer - NuPAGE MOPS. Procedure for both membranes was exactly the same, except primary antibodies.
I tried to reduce non-specific binding by increasing primary antibody dilution. Image 2 - same procedure as for Image 1, but dilution of primary antibodies 1:2000.
Please advice what can be cause of such a strong non-specific binding and how can I avoid it?