I have been trying to express a GST-tagged protein that was ligated into pGEX-4T-1 in JM109 cells. I have confirmed my plasmid to be in JM109 by PCR and digested out my insert and vector and they are the expected size. By the way my insert is from Mycoplasma and the protein has no mycoplasma stop codon for expression in E. coli. I then went on and did plasmid extraction and used it as a template for sequencing. My sequences confirmed 100% identity with the published genome sequence of the mycoplasma in question without problems. I then tried changing different induction conditions (0.1-1mM IPTG; 25 & 37 oC) and still no expression. Finally I now changed my competent cells to BL21 and still there was no expression. Could anybody offer some suggestions and or protocol?

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