11 Questions 327 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Gary S. Laco
when using E. coli BL21 pLys, grown in Terrific Broth, for toxic/non-toxic protein expression I normally induce protein expression at ~0.5 OD using IPTG, and the resulting induced cultures double...
02 February 2016 813 14 View
Here is my updated protocol that does not require heating the protein sample in 6M GuHCl (3/2016): Take protein sample in 6M GuHCl and shear DNA with a needle/syringe, then take 10 uL and add to...
05 May 2014 4,618 10 View
I have used two different His-tag resins in batch mode to purify at His-tagged protein. The protein is bound to the resin in 6M GuHCL pH 7.9, and eluted with 500 mM imidazole pH 7.4, with both...
05 May 2014 4,304 8 View
I was doing a standard sticky-end cloning using electrocompetent cells and for some reason all the cloned inserts were larger that the gel purified DNA fragment (used methylene blue to stain the...
05 May 2014 5,266 5 View
I have used the megaprimer PCR approach in the past to make mutations with no problems, however, the mutagenic primers typically mutated only one or two codons and now I want to mutate at least 25...
03 March 2014 9,970 5 View
I want to clone a short DNA fragment of ~80 bp. The DNA fragment will be made by annealing two oligos together that were designed to generate 5' and 3' overhangs for the RE site, so the DNA...
02 February 2014 6,266 7 View
I am looking for a software program that can analyze a protein coding region of DNA and find where restriction sites can be added without changing the coding sequence. I did find the program...
02 February 2014 6,119 17 View
I am planning an experiment in which there will be a large protein (~65 kDa) and a small 8-mer peptide in an aqueous solution. I want to monitor and quantitate the two over time. I will use...
12 December 2013 2,988 10 View
In some ligand/enzyme systems I have found very good correlation between the in silico docking of ligands in the active-site of an enzyme (i.e., calculated interaction energy score) and the...
10 October 2013 3,235 6 View
Have been looking for a fast sensitive way to stain SDS/PAGE gels, but they all required 3x washes in DI water (other than the old Methanol/acetic acid Coomassie method). Have used the stain...
06 June 2013 3,125 93 View
I am looking at biotinylating a protein in vivo in insect cells where the insect cell media will be supplemented with 4 uM biotin. The protein accumulates in the cytoplasm. The question is: has...
01 January 2013 3,481 1 View