I have cloned a gene in pGEX-4T-1 expressed in JM109 and purified the recombinant GST-tagged protein using gluthathione sepharose bead column chromatography having confirmed the correct sequence. I then ran samples of the uninduced, induced, pellet, supernatant, flow through and washes samples along with the eluted fractions of my recombinant protein on 10% SDS-PAGE and stained with Coomassie blue. My GST-tagged protein is about 94 kDa. I got a band close to the 100 kDa marker after induction but following lysis and subsequent purification I observed two distinct bands at 100 kDa and at 60 kDa with smaller intermediates. Western blotting with anti-GST primary antibody revealed all to be reactive. Probing with positive sera against the whole cell antigen reveal reaction around 75 kDa only.

The gene also has a leucine rich repeat motif.

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