I am doing blastp from locally in linux. But some times blast run and some times error raise
Error: NCBI C++ Exception:
T0 "/build/ncbi-blast+-GcQwD4/ncbi-blast+-2.6.0/c++/src/objtools/readers/fasta.cpp", line 2428: Error: CFastaReader: Near line 1, there's a line that doesn't look like plausible data, but it's not marked as defline or comment. (m_Pos = 1)
I am using Blastp in ubuntu inside window10 (WSL).Code runned by Python
subject = SPECIES+subject # ** later remove this cmd = ["blastp", "-query", "./query/query_"+str(parallel_num), "-subject", subject, "-matrix", blastp_matrix, "-outfmt", "10 qseqid sseqid score length"] run_blastp = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=True, text=True, check=False)
for some kinds of genome it work and for some kinds of genome it didnot