Historically, graphene and graphene oxide derivatives are the most extensively studied class of 2D materials for removal of different pollutants due to their ultrahigh water flux, selective molecular and ion sieving, and strong resistance to biofouling. Since the discovery of MXenes in 2011, though, interest in using MXenes for pollutant removal has grown.
MXenes hold promise for environmental remediation applications because of several desirable properties, including hydrophilicity (readily absorbed/dissolved in water), high surface area, activated metallic hydroxide sites, and nontoxicity. Additionally, MXenes’ characteristic “conductive clay-like” properties allow them to be easily processed by various methods.
To date, close to 30 MXenes have been successfully synthesized. Titanium-based MXenes are most promising for environmental applications due to element abundance and nontoxic decomposition products. In particular, titanium carbide (Ti3C2Tx) is the most widely studied MXene.
At this point, it is difficult to produce nitride MXenes by selective acid etching methods, which limits wide exploration of nitride and carbonitride MXenes in environmental remediation applications. As such, the review focuses on carbide MXenes.
Historically, graphene and graphene oxide derivatives are the most extensively studied class of 2D materials for removal of different pollutants due to their ultrahigh water flux, selective molecular and ion sieving, and strong resistance to biofouling. Since the discovery of MXenes in 2011, though, interest in using MXenes for pollutant removal has grown.
MXenes hold promise for environmental remediation applications because of several desirable properties, including hydrophilicity (readily absorbed/dissolved in water), high surface area, activated metallic hydroxide sites, and nontoxicity. Additionally, MXenes’ characteristic “conductive clay-like” properties allow them to be easily processed by various methods.
To date, close to 30 MXenes have been successfully synthesized. Titanium-based MXenes are most promising for environmental applications due to element abundance and nontoxic decomposition products. In particular, titanium carbide (Ti3C2Tx) is the most widely studied MXene.
At this point, it is difficult to produce nitride MXenes by selective acid etching methods, which limits wide exploration of nitride and carbonitride MXenes in environmental remediation applications. As such, the review focuses on carbide MXenes.
Due to their unique combination of transition metal chemistry, hydrophilicity, and high conductivity, there are many applications for MXenes in environmental remediation, such as heavy metal removal (Article Environmental remediation of heavy metal ions by novel-nanom...
Article Adsorptive environmental applications of MXene nanomaterials: A review
), desalination (
Article Potential of MXenes in Water Desalination: Current Status an...
), and so on - nearly every week I see new articles being published with environmental remediation applications.
In addition, there have been a large number of studies showing that a variety of chemistries (Ti3C2Tx, Ta4C3Tx, Nb2CTx, and Mo2CTx by my count) are nontoxic and have vast biomedical applications (https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/cs/2018/c7cs00838d , Article Ultrathin Molybdenum Carbide MXene with Fast Biodegradabilit...
) Furthermore, extended tests with zebrafish models confirmed the nontoxicity, allowing the material to be classified as “practically nontoxic.” (
Article Ecotoxicological Assessment of Ti3C2Tx (MXene) Using Zebrafi...
Finally, because MXenes are readily scalable with no change in properties (Article Scalable Synthesis of Ti3C2Tx MXene
), it is a matter of time until we see many companies incorporating MXenes into their technologies. Considering there are more than 30 distinct MXene chemistries experimental synthesized already, the properties can be chosen based on the specific need.
The 'environmental' is, usually an opposide to 'commercial'. As for me, the 'environmental' should be the first. Moreover, the impact could not be assessed only from the side, for instance, useful catalytic properties for CO2 reduction, or high sorption capacity. But also, possible hazardous should be taken into account. For example, degradation, corrosion, also catalysis in the natural media, where this could harm bioorganisms.
In light of intensive studies, the relationship between graphene and the environment is clearer compared to that of MXenes and the environment. In some ways, graphene is better than MXenes. In the recent publications, plenty of mxene studies are replicating the studying route of graphene. Lets expect more results.