
we are currently using semi-dry WB transfer systems from Bio-Rad (SD Transfer Cell) with a maximum Voltage of 25 V. Additionally, we limit the current to 60 mA per 6x8 cm gel (roughly 1.2 mA/cm²). We use a self-made transfer buffer (20 mM Tris, 150 mM Glycine, 20% Ethanol, 0.08% SDS, pH 8.3) and usually use NC membranes, but sometimes also PVDF. Because of the allowed low voltage, transfer time is around 2 hours.

My question to you is:

What are your improvements on the standard blotting conditions to speed up transfer times?

I know that Bio-Rad also sells a fast blotter, but it uses a proprietary buffer with "secret" ingredients to allow higher voltages for faster transfer. Does anyone know a different way for faster transfer or has some ideas what this secret ingredient might be?

Looking forward to your answers

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